Test terms

To test and evaluate the service a valid email address has to be provided. Unless otherwise agreed (info@usegroup.de) test access is restricted to one account per legal entity, i.e. usually company. This email address will also be used to send availability, information about the roadmap, development and status with an expected maximum volume of one per week. You can terminate your test phase by unsubscribing from the announcements newsletter list. After the signup, access can then happen free of charge, with a limit of 1,000 operations/month, unless access is revoked by usegroup. You are not allowed to share personal data (e.g. real invoice recipient’s names, addresses, email addresses, bank credentials or real invoice contents). Access may be revoked because the general test phase has ended, the test phase is over for a certain customer, or due to other terms which do not need to be disclosed. Under this test terms we also do not guarantee the availability nor the correctness of the service.

Using the validator

You can validate up to 20 invoices a day on our homepage as long as the service is available. The validation is free of charge but submitted invoices may not contain personal data and we do not guarantee the availability nor the correctness, completeness nor availability or continuation of the service.


The privacy policy can be obtained at


Production terms

To access Mustangserver productively including a subscription including a data processing agreement is required. Further info can be obtained at https://www.mustangproject.org/pro/